Silk Story. Designed by Elsbeth Joy Nielsen, Netherlands
Nielsen has discovered a way of producing silk without killing silkworms. Normally the worms die when their cocoons are boiled to loosen the silk; Nielsen's technique allows them to create a patch of pure silk while crawling back and forth over a platter looking for a place to build their cocoons. Once the panel is complete, they are left to pupate naturally. The resulting scarf demonstrates the material's exquisite beauty.

Packaging lights. Designed by Anke Weiss, Netherlands
How do you transform waste containers into objects of beauty? This Dutch designer traces their patterns and logos with a needle and places a light inside, which shines through the pin pricks to striking effect. www.ankeweiss.com

Aquaduct bike, Designed by IDEO, US
While not the most beautiful design in this list, the Aquaduct bike is a rare example of designers attempting to improve the lives of people less fortunate than ourselves. Millions of people in the developing world have no access to clean water and often have to walk miles to collect contaminated water. This bike makes the journey easier and also contains a pedal-powered filtration system, giving the user a container full of clean water by the time they get home. www.ideo.com
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