Friday, November 28, 2008

will's psalm

as the storms of this life rage over me
and my eyes grow dark that i can no longer see

the beauty of your light seems to fade amidst the shadows of the deep
but your laws will i forever love and keep

this world grows more wicked by each passing hour
yet i still yearn for you my hearts true desire

in you alone will my confidence be
for in you oh Lord am i truly free

as the storms raged and the heavens divided
your glory came and this wicked world subsided

all honor, glory, wisdom, and power
by your great Name your enemies were devoured

as cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night
you led your people, your hearts delight

all that could be seen was your infinite glory
for we were all made blameless, righteous, and holy

by the blood of the lamb that was shed on the cross
you showed us your grace and your life was the cost

you brought me out of the waters deep
where death surrounded me, my soul trapped in its keep

my true love for you and my unwavering faith in your Word
because your Words are life and through it my salvation is assured

you Lord are my source of joy, peace, and righteousness
so never let me leave your Holy presence

that my sins would not cause you to turn your face away
because your discipline brings me back when i go astray

you let me come before your throne with boldness
that in you i may know the fullness

of being chosen by your sovereign grace
and until my dying day
will i ever seek your face

let this be the cry of my heart
to give you more than just a part

of this life that you have given me
i die to myself that others may see

for it is written that God is true and every man a liar
so i forsake this world that you may be my hearts only desire

your glory Lord shining through and through
your Words are life and forever true

blessed is the one whose confidence is in the Lord
for he is like a tree watered along the eternal shore

a sea of glass that sits before the very throne
of God the creator who reigns over all alone

for there is no higher name,
than the one who took all the blame

worthy are you Lord Jesus
for by your blood you have reconciled us

so come Lord and fill me with fire
for you alone are my hearts true desire

we exalt you to the highest place
for you alone are worthy of praise

we worship you Lord for your great love
a love that came to us as gracefully as a dove

so gentle are you to those you called by name
and to you i return this love the same

how wondrous, and marvelous, and glorious your ways
i sing to you songs of extravagant praise

not just empty words that have no sense of meaning
but with groanings deep within my soul i keep seeking

your wonderful presence is a consuming fire
so burn me Lord, for you are my hearts true desire


Naomi said...

eshie!!! its naomii

Anonymous said...

After reading the information, I may have different views, but I do think this is good BLOG!