thought conjunctions formulate travesty but as surprising as life is, simple moments of wonders can be all the worth- like a resting monarch butterfly and carnelians captured on screen. you saw it before i did, even twice. but today i saw it- and i gloat in the love. simply fronted through every soul pieced in this landscape i call life. "be still and know i am God" ringing, protruding out of every vein and pore of my being formulates the effervescent credence of just sealing that over every hurt, sorrow, fear, and doubt. i will not be shaken i will not be moved and the mountain of struggle fades to dust. and bites. love covers all things. the world flooded over and over and over again through his patience and kindness and mercy. will it ever stop, the cleansing rain the morning sunrise the glimmering stars the gentle wind. trees will lose their leaves flowers their scents butterflies will shed their wings
yet new buds will bloom fragrances will fill the air and caterpillars will transfigure to things of new heights and depths, colors and shapes floating on
the world is my playground. is that what the little prince saw... a place filled with possibilities, or people?
people with possibilities?
the trajectory of this road
i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference
may it be the outpouring of his blood that leads all to that road
the straight and narrow road of life
what more must be said?
the answer to all my questions is love
and the question to all my answers is love
so it is to say, love.
to love more and more and more and more
til the death of me
but even then
strength shall be given
spirit shall be renewed
for none can fathom
none can see
but only receive the infinite grace given
cheers to the me that desires to love God more and to love this world more and all we need is love.
goodbye 2008
hello 2009
we are all in love, what better state than this
It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!
Personalized Signature:我喜欢淮安掼蛋,靖江青儿,南通长牌,姜堰23张,常州麻将这些地方言游戏
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